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Don't Give Up

This stems from a recent conversation, via text messages, with a friend:

Young woman #1: I've like half given up on men lol

Young woman #2: You can give up on men, but don’t give up on God giving you the right man!

How true is this!? How many times are we called to give up on humans and start relying on God again!?

How many times, instead, do we place our trust in mortal man, who is merely a breath?!

Who cannot do anything without you willing it. Yet, that is what we do.

Yet, that is what I do.

However, I will stop. I will stop doubting you. I will stop doubting your love. I will stop giving up on you. Why do I do this? Why do I give up on you when you are perfection and love? Why do I stop praying when you tell me to “ask, search and knock.” (Matthew 7:7)

Why do I give up when you tell me, “Will not God then secure the rights of his chosen ones who call out to him day and night? Will he be slow to answer them?” (Luke 18:7)

So I pray for myself, and I pray for my friends. For those who feel used, abandoned and alone. For those who wonder, “Where is he?”

And then I’m reminded:

It’s not about us. It’s not about them (the men).

It’s about God. It’s always about God. It’s about trusting our Father. It’s about Him. It’s always about Him. It’s about His goodness, mercy, love, gentleness and time. So I encourage myself, and I encourage you if you are waiting and are tempted to “give up on men.” Go ahead and give up on men! Go ahead and give up, and don’t turn back because we shouldn’t rely on them. We should rely on God. And I invite you, don’t give up on God. Don’t give up asking for that man, who you haven’t met, YET! Don’t give up asking your Father for your future spouse. And when you do find him, remember that we must continue to rely on Him.

God, you are our Father. You hold and cherish us, your daughters, at every moment in our lives. When we feel like giving up on the men in our lives, remind us that we must never give up on you. May our disappointments in humans be a reminder of our limitedness and fragility. Yet let it be a greater reminder of your beauty, truth and love.

St. Anne, pray for me and for all waiting and praying for their future spouse.

St. Anthony, pray for our future spouses.

-Jesus, I trust in you.

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