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Losing Her One Dopamine at a Time

It started with a tremble

a coffee spill here and there

Jesus, I trust in you

Mom lost here job today

She can no longer make her bed

Jesus, I trust in you

She can't walk without freezing

a walker is now needed

Jesus, I trust in you

More pills will be prescribed

every four hours, every three hours, every two hours

Jesus, I trust in you

Her medicine isn't working

Yes, this is expected

Jesus, I trust in you

You know DBS is an option, right?

Shall we go up north?

Jesus, I trust in you

Visit 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,

Jesus, I trust in you

Surgery 1....2....3

Jesus, I trust in you

She is better than before surgery

But this isn't want we hoped

I know, but it's better than before

Jesus, I trust in you

I can't understand her

Yes, it affects the muscles in the throat

Jesus, I trust in you

Mom, speak up I can't understand you

I can't

Jesus, I trust in you

The swallow study shows the food is going to her lungs

a liquid diet from now on

Jesus, I trust in you

Mom, your teeth are rotting

yes, and chipping day by day

Jesus, I trust in you

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